The Drawdown Roadmap
Introduced by Tim Copeland
Presented by Project Drawdown
If the heat waves of summer 2023 have left you terrified that climate change and global warming are coming hotter and faster than experts predicted just a few years ago, here are five videos from Project Drawdown you should watch now.
Project Drawdown began life in 2017 with a book immodestly titled Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. It is a coffee-table type book that identifies 100 ways to reduce global warming and measures the impacts and costs of each one. Since then, Project Drawdown has initiated many more climate change initiatives. Its newest - and perhaps its most powerful program - is called the Drawdown Roadmap.
A five-part plan, the Drawdown Roadmap was developed with input from scientists, policymakers, corporate executives, and funders. It lays out clearly how we can strategically apply existing solutions to halt climate change in our lifetimes by prioritizing across sectors, time, and geography, while maximizing co-benefits and eliminating barriers.
The plan is explained in five videos produced by Project Drawdown. The first video is presented below.
The next four videos are in the Video Gallery available here.